
Teaching ESL can be a wonderful opportunity and very exciting, but it’s also important for you to do some homework to make your dreams come true.  It’s a year of your life so find the employment you will be happy with.  Below are some tips that should prove helpful in obtaining the job you want:

Pictures (Required)




Your pictures will be the first things schools see so try to put your best foot forward.  Any clean pictures of you smiling would be acceptable. Any pictures of you with children or teaching would be great.  Tuck in your shirt, comb your hair, etc

CV/Resume (Required)

When schools look at your resume, its good to highlight your education and teaching experience (if any). Even babysitting, nanny, caregiver, or camp work should be on there 🙂

Video (Optional)




They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well then, how much is a video worth? Schools love these and its a good way to beat out your competition for the job. Just be sure to smile as everybody wants a happy teacher


  • Be Positive – just like any other job, they want to hire positive people
  • KISS (Keep it short and sweet) – answer questions slowly, carefully, and concisely.  No need to spend time giving a 5 minute reply – employers don’t have time for that
  • Give & Take – ask questions pertinent to the job that need clarification such as work hours or vacation
  • Time – be prepared to commit about 5 to 15 minutes to your interview


  • With the above in mind its now time to apply. For those contacted by a recruiter, simply reply to their email. In other cases, feel free to view/apply for our published vacancies